Port Pairs: combination of ports at origin and destination
Special Trucks For Oil, Gas & Chemicals Areas
ETA: Estimated time of Arrival
ETD: Estimated time of Departure
ATA: Actual time of Arrival
ATD: Actual time of Departure
MLB: Mini land bridge
Rotation: Order in which the ships call the various ports
Transit Time: time from port A to port B
Direct Service: when a container leaves and arrives on the same ship
Transshipment Service: when a container leaves on a ship and arrives on a different ship
Pre-carriage: transportation between point of origin and POL
On-carriage: transportation between POD and final inland destination
AWB: Air Waybill is an international air freight shipping document. It covers transport of cargo from airport to airport. AWB number used to identify the shipment.
B/L : Bill of Lading is a shipping document used in the transport of goods by sea. It serves several purposes in international trade.
CAF: Currency Adjustment Factor is a fee placed on top of freighting charges, which represents fluctuations in exchange rates between the dollar and other currencies.
CMR: International road freight waybill, which is standardized document for cross-border transport of cargo by road.
FCL: Full container load is an ISO standard container that is loaded and unloaded under the risk and account of one shipper and only one consignee.
FSC : Fuel Surcharge (mostly used in air freight).
FTL : Full truckload or Full Trailer load
LCL : Less than container load is a shipment that is not large enough to fill a standard cargo container.
LTL: Less than truckload shipping is the transportation of relatively small freight that is not large enough to fill a truck trailer.
SSC: Security Surcharge (mostly used in air freight)
TEU: Twenty-foot equivalent unit is unit of cargo capacity, which represents the cargo capacity of a standard intermodal 20 feet container.
ULD: Unit Load Device is a pallet or container used to load luggage, freight, and mail on wide-body aircraft and specific narrow-body aircraft.
Documentation Terminology
Owner: whoever owns the goods
Shipper: whoever ships the goods (can be either “proprietary shipper” or NVOCC)
Consignee: whoever receives the goods
Notify: whoever is to be notified when cargo arrives
Beneficial Cargo Owner: BCO (Shippers with direct contract with Carriers)
NVOCC: Non-Vessel Operator Common Carriers.
Freight Forwarder: Intermediary between Shipper and Carrier
Broker: Intermediary at destination (usually notify) to clear Customs